Why not share recipes, organization tips, travel pictures, creative writing, and research with the world?
With Postach.io, you can automatically take your content and publish it into a beautiful format.
It’s the easiest way to blog! Here’s how:
Get Started
1. Sign up and create your blog
2. Link Postach.io to your Evernote account
3. Create your blog name, domain and customize your URL
4. Postach.io automatically creates a notebook in your Evernote account
5. Any note in that notebook tagged with ‘published’ will post to your new blog
With Premium, you can add Google Analytics, comments, and several templates to your blog. You also get powerful features like the ability to password protect your blog and invite contributing authors. If you have a variety of content, you can have multiple blogs.
Not sure what to share? The content you capture into Evernote offers a diverse array of options: teachers who want to share class activities with students or parents, writers who want feedback from readers, or engineers sharing code.
No matter what you already do, with a simple tag, you can publish that content to your blog.
Looking for inspiration? Discover Postach.io blogs here.
Postach.io is giving away five codes for one year of Postach.io Premium. Just leave a comment on this blog post about what you want to blog, and include #EvernoteBlogging. Five people will be randomly picked on Friday, May 30, 2014. The code will be emailed.
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